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Does Child Support End at a Certain Age?

The term “child support” refers to a court order by which one parent must make payments to the other to assist with the expenses of raising a child. The specific terms of a child support arrangement are determined on a case-by-case basis.

If you are seeking child support or you are required to pay it, you may wonder whether child support ends at a certain age. And in short, yes, it does.

In the following post, we will discuss several of the most prevalent issues related to child support arrangements in Michigan.

Calculating Child Support in the State of Michigan

Each state uses different methods to calculate appropriate child support arrangements. In Michigan, the courts rely on a complex mathematical policy to decide how much support the paying party must provide.

This method is known as the Uniform Child Support Order (UCSO). This child support calculation method takes the following factors into account:

  • Custody and parenting schedule arrangements
  • Each parent’s income and earnings
  • The number of children in question
  • Medical care and treatment costs
  • Typical childcare costs
  • And more

 This calculation can be estimated with a tool provided by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). To initially apply for child support services, parents must contact the MDHHS.

The overseeing judge in each case is required to order child support based on the UCSO. This is true except in instances in which the ruling would be inappropriate or unfair. The child’s parents also have the option of reaching an agreement themselves. A judge may consider the parents’ proposal, but they are not required to approve it.

Those parents who wish to propose their own child support arrangement must complete the “Uniform Child Support Order Deviation Addendum” form.

How Long Does Child Support Last?

In most cases, child support orders are enforced until the child in question reaches the age of eighteen. Occasionally, child support is ordered until the child is 19 and a half years old. A child support order can also be changed over time. Either parent has the option to file for a motion to change the support arrangement. Suppose that one parent experiences a loss of income. This may provide good cause to change the current child support order.

Other instances that may necessitate a renegotiation of a child support arrangement include:

  • One parent changes vocation
  • A partner or new spouse passes away
  • One parent gains new income
  • A change in custody arrangements
  • And more

Any instances in which the financial or custodial situations shift may result in a change to the child support order. To request such a change, one parent must submit a “Motion Regarding Support” to the court.

If you need help with the child support process in Michigan, it is vital to consult with a knowledgeable family law attorney. Having a skilled legal professional on your side will ensure that your best interests are represented.

Contact Gucciardo Family Law

The compassionate lawyers at our firm understand the stresses that come with the renegotiation of family structures. If you need help securing or changing a child support agreement, contact Gucciardo Family Law.

We provide new clients with a free legal consultation. Contact our offices today to schedule a meeting to discuss the facts of your case.

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