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How to Deal With a Difficult Family Court Judge

Family court matters are often emotionally charged affairs. Although judges are sworn to uphold and interpret the law to the best of their abilities, they’re only human, so it’s natural that at times they might behave in a difficult manner, especially in reaction to bad behavior by parties seeking divorce or fighting over division of property, child custody, or other matters.

Although judges always strive to remain fair, balanced, and unbiased, there are going to be times when emotions run high and judges get fed up. What can you do in this situation? How can you best deal with a difficult judge in order to protect your own interests and receive a judgment you can live with? Here are a few tips for dealing with a difficult judge in family court.

Hire an Attorney
Going into court on your own can be difficult at the best of times. If you’re unprepared and unfamiliar with procedure, you can quickly irritate the judge. However, going it alone when you’re emotionally upset about a divorce or child custody can seriously try the court’s patience, especially if you’re unable to control your emotions and interact respectfully with everyone in the courtroom.

It’s always best to work with a qualified attorney that can guide you through the process, ensure you are prepared, and deal with a difficult judge by drawing on skill and experience. Dealing with a difficult judge on your own can be daunting. With an attorney by your side, you stand a much better chance of diffusing tension and reaching your goals.

Come Prepared
One of the fastest ways to raise the ire of the court is to show up unprepared. Your attorney can not only help you to file paperwork in a timely manner and bring needed documents to court, but he/she can also prepare you for the protocol involved in court proceedings so you know how to behave and interact with the judge and others in the courtroom.

Mind Your Manners
Antagonizing the judge, fighting with your spouse, or otherwise disrupting the court and letting your emotions get the better of you is a major no-no that could cause the judge to view you in a negative light. Always behave in a calm and respectful manner in the court, speak to the judge only when spoken to, and try not to make the judge’s job any more difficult than it already is.

Addressing Grievances
If you are unhappy with a court’s ruling, you can always attempt to file an appeal. If you feel that a specific judge has treated you unfairly in some way, you can file a complaint alleging misconduct or claiming that the judge was acting under a disability of some sort that interfered with the performance of his/her judicial duties. However, you need to understand that a decision that’s not in your favor does not constitute misconduct or disability on the part of the judge, and even if you prove your case, it will not automatically overturn the judge’s ruling.

The average person is not familiar with court proceedings and can easily run afoul of a temperamental judge. This is why it’s so important to have an expert attorney from The Gucciardo Law Firm by your side. Contact us today at 248-723-5190 for help with your family court case.

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We focus exclusively on family law matters so we are always available to answer your questions and help.

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