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Top Tips from Adoption Lawyers: Things to Consider Before You Adopt

Family planning is an incredibly challenging and rewarding process. Each year in the United States, over 120,000 children are adopted by families.

Perhaps your family is weighing the benefits of adoption. In the following post, we will examine some of the top things to consider before you adopt.

Do Not Take Adoption Lightly

Prospective parents should consider the responsibilities and challenges associated with adoption well in advance. It is important to think carefully about how adoption will impact your life and the life of your family.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why am I hoping to adopt a child?
  • How will this new child impact the existing members of my family?
  • Can I provide a stable and loving home?
  • What process will I use to pursue adoption?
  • What roadblocks might I encounter along the way?
  • How can I seek meaningful support to overcome these roadblocks?

If you are adopting with your partner or spouse, it is vital to speak with them about these issues. Adoption is a serious life-altering decision and should not be taken lightly.

So-Called “Traditional” Households Are Not Necessary

Many people believe that a family needs to have a husband and a wife. While it is a long-standing belief, this idea is outdated. It no longer reflects the diversity of family structures.

Recent research has shown that fewer than half of U.S. children live in a so-called “traditional” family household. As the structures of families diversify, so do adoption opportunities.

Other types of families include:

  • Single-parent homes
  • Same-sex families
  • First-time parents aged 55 and older

These are only a few examples. A family does not need to be “traditional” to be loving and supportive of a child.

Adoption Can Be Affordable

Some prospective parents are concerned about the potential cost of adoption. This is not unreasonable. International and private adoptions can be very expensive. However, adopting a child out of the foster care system costs very little.

Some foster families provide monthly stipends designed to help support a child. Many states provide continuing support for children with special needs, including those who are older, even after the adoption is finalized.

Birth Mothers Put Children Up for Adoption for Many Reasons

Unfortunately, there are some negative misconceptions about birth mothers who put their children up for adoption. In truth, these mothers come from many diverse backgrounds and circumstances.

Not all parents who put their children up for adoption are unfit. Many times, their life circumstances have made it impossible to properly care for a child. Be prepared to be respectful of your adopted child’s family history.

The adoption process is life-changing and fulfilling. But it presents many challenges, as well.

Speak with a Family Law Attorney

If you are thinking about adoption, schedule a consultation with the legal team at Gucciardo Family Law. Our skilled family law attorneys have helped countless clients to successfully pursue adoption.

Michigan families trust our firm to keep their best interests at heart. Reach out to Gucciardo Family Law to schedule your free initial legal consultation. You will be glad that you did!

Too much information?

We focus exclusively on family law matters so we are always available to answer your questions and help.

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