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Credit Card Debt: Who Is Responsible for Repayment After a Divorce?

November 22, 2022
Posted in: Divorce

Finances can become complicated whenever a couple decides to file for divorce. While the division of assets is a critical component in a divorce, splitting up marital debt is just as important. In Michigan, divorce […]


4 Things NOT to Do While Going Through a Divorce

November 17, 2022
Posted in: Divorce

For any Michigan couple, a divorce can be a stressful and challenging legal process. Depending on how complex your finances are, your divorce can take many months to resolve. Whenever you involve child custody arrangements, […]


What Is a Statement of Net Worth in a Michigan Divorce?

November 15, 2022
Posted in: Divorce, Michigan Law

When you file for divorce in Michigan, state law requires each spouse to provide a detailed overview of their net worth. When the courts have an in-depth understanding of you and your spouse’s financial history, […]


Can a Parent’s Physical Health Affect Child Custody Arrangements?

November 10, 2022
Posted in: Child Custody

Child custody proceedings in Michigan can be complicated. Judges must weigh many factors before issuing a final ruling on child custody arrangements. As such, the courts can probe many aspects of your personal life. Though […]


5 Factors that Can Impact the Length of Your Divorce Process

November 3, 2022
Posted in: Divorce

For many Michigan couples, divorce can’t come any sooner. Unfortunately, like many legal filings, even a simple divorce takes time to finalize. Whenever you add extra complexities, such as shared assets, children, or debt, the […]


When Is a Michigan Divorce Finalized?

October 20, 2022
Posted in: Divorce

The bonds of marriage are not easily severed, at least legally speaking. No matter when your divorce petition was filed, or where your divorce case is procedurally in the court system, your marriage is not […]


Mediation vs. Litigation in Michigan Divorces: What’s the Difference?

October 18, 2022
Posted in: Michigan Law, Tips

Given the chance to choose the easy way or the hard way, most would pick the first option. When it comes to a Michigan divorce, though, there may be no easy way to resolve the […]


How Long Should You Expect to Pay Alimony in Michigan?

October 13, 2022
Posted in: Alimony

You may not like the prospect of paying child support following your divorce. However, most Michigan parents accept that they must financially support their children until they become adults. What is more contentious is alimony, […]


Helpful Tips for Long Distance Co-Parenting

October 11, 2022
Posted in: Child Custody

Parenting alone is difficult enough. Attempting to co-parent with your ex-spouse, especially when they live far away, is an immense challenge. You can accomplish it, however. Parents who are committed to their children’s welfare find […]


3 Benefits of Working with a Parenting Coordinator

October 6, 2022
Posted in: Child Custody

The court may have entered visitation orders in your Michigan child custody or divorce case, but this does not mean they automatically come to pass. To be effective co-parents, both parties must comply with the […]