The Three Phases of a Modern Divorce
Divorce is a large, scary subject that intimidates most people who have to experience it. But while every divorce is complicated and some are downright frightening, it’s often more a matter of facing the unknown than anything else. So we at Gucciardo Family Law thought it might help if we offered a short summary of the divorce process at a ...
CONTINUE READINGSo You Think Your Spouse Wants a Divorce…
Sometimes, a divorce filing comes out of the clear blue sky, and the only warning you have is the phrase “you’ve been served.” But more often than not, you know. You might not want to admit it, but you know. Unfortunately for many, that desire to avoid admitting the end is near keeps them from taking important steps that can ...
CONTINUE READINGHow Valuable is Housework in Divorce?
According to an extensive study by Alexandra Killewald of the University of Michigan, for couples who married before 1975, the leading factor that led to divorce was a wife who was burdened with too much housework. Since 1975, however, the leading factor has been a downward shift in the husband’s earning ability. The leads to an interesting question: how exactly ...
CONTINUE READINGYou Can’t Waive the Family Court’s Rights
Contract law is a fascinatingly complicated thing, with hundreds of rules that dictate what is allowed and what isn’t. There are several rules devoted entirely to determining which of your rights you are allowed to waive. For example, you cannot waive your Constitutional right to free speech, and thus give the government permission to censor you. When two private entities ...
CONTINUE READINGSeparation of Assets IAQ: Liquidity Concerns in Mid-Life Divorces
In a statistical sense, there is a correlation between age and wealth. In other words, the tendency is that people who are wealthier are older, and people who are older are wealthier. It makes sense: people who have had more time to save up…will tend to have more saved up. But there’s a specific time in a person’s life when ...
CONTINUE READINGOn the Wisdom of Purchasing Property During a Divorce
Buying property is generally a fairly stressful prospect even when everything goes as well as can be expected. Buying property while you’re in the middle of a divorce is kind of like deciding, while your plane is spiraling out of control toward the treeline, that it’s the right time to tell your boyfriend that it’s not his baby. Sure, you ...
CONTINUE READINGChild Custody IAQ: Opting Out of the Friend of the Court Process
Today’s Infrequently Asked Question is straightforward: “Do I have to go through all of the rigmarole with the Friend of the Court?” The answer, some of you may be relieved to hear, is “No,” but of course in the legal world, it’s never that simple. Why Opt Out of the Friend of the Court’s Services? The Friend of the Court ...
CONTINUE READINGMichigan Divorce and Custody…of the Family Pet
A fairly outstanding 62% of all married couples own a pet together, and while the law regards pets as a kind of property, quite often the couple that owns the critter has a very different (and quite passionate) view of the pet’s personhood. If they both love the animal — especially if they have no children or other pets — ...
CONTINUE READINGChild Custody Myths: How Common is Cuckoldry?
“Cuck” is one of the new insults-of-the-moment, being somewhere behind “Snowflake” but above “Cupcake” on the list of insults-of-the-moment, and it’s a fascinating one insofar as it is built on a myth…but it’s a myth that nearly everyone buys into with gusto. A cuck is someone who is soft, pansy, effeminate, and weak. The interesting part, though, is that it’s ...
CONTINUE READINGThe Silliness of ‘Phubbing’ and Recognizing Real Marital Problems
Humans have a very odd psychological tendency to focus on the wrong problems, and martial problems are no different. The new strife du jour is called ‘pphubbing‘ — a portmanteau of ‘phone’ and ‘snubbing,’ with an extra ‘p’ at the beginning for ‘partner.’ Phubbing is when someone (your spouse, in the case of pphubbing) ignores you in favor of their ...