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Social Media’s Role in Divorce

August 29, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

It’s perfectly normal for a couple to get married with dreams of a happy life together. But many marriages end in divorce — the standard wisdom is that every year, 2% of all existing Michigan marriages end. But while the number of divorces has remained remarkably steady since the 80s, the reasons divorces happen have change. According to a recent ...


Annulment vs. Divorce: Michigan Law

August 22, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

Many people are under the mistaken impression that getting their divorce annulled is somehow going to be faster, easier, or cheaper than getting a divorce. The fact is that every single element of a divorce that makes it a drawn-out, painful affair must still be dealt with in an annulment. There are still custody battles, martial estate division issues, and ...


Look After Yourself During a Divorce

August 15, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

Have you ever flown on an airplane, and heard the flight attendant tell you that it’s critical that, should the oxygen masks drop down, you always fix your own mask to your face before you attempt to help your children do the same? Have you ever wondered how they could ever expect a parent to follow those instructions? The answer ...


How the ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling Will Affect Michigan Law

August 8, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

The Supreme Court’s ruling last month that marriage was a human right that could not Constitutionally be denied to homosexual couples was, in a word, correct. But that fact doesn’t necessarily mean that Michigan’s state laws will ever give the appearance of complying with the ruling…or that the rest of Michigan’s laws will ever comply with the spirit of the ...


Kids Jailed for Refusing Lunch with Father?

August 1, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

We don’t usually directly address issues that are current ‘pop culture’ items, because that’s often a trap — there’s really no good that can come of getting embroiled in it. But in this particular case, this oh-so-viral Tsimhoni case of the judge who found a trio of children to be in contempt of court and sentenced them to time in ...


What If Your Spouse Declares Bankruptcy?

July 26, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

One of the more devastating circumstances we’ve seen at Gucciardo Law goes like this: two people split up, and the one that was ‘the breadwinner’ signs an agreement to split the marital estate in a certain manner with the spouse that was the ‘homemaker.’ At the same time that the breadwinner is signing the agreement, however, they’re also (secretly!) filing ...


The Seven Stages of Separation

July 19, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

Research has shown that the commonly-known ‘Seven Stages of Grief’ are quintessentially fictional. Even the author of those seven stages originally conceived them as a very rough guideline, never intended to be a strict sequence or even necessarily always appearing. Nevertheless, the ‘stages of grief’ concept is an enormously powerful tool for achieving self-understanding in a moment of intense emotional ...


How to Tell Your Kids about the Divorce

July 12, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

Deep, gut-wrenching anxiety. Drive-you-literally-insane guilt. And shame…shame enough to make you down a pint of Hubby Hubby and come back for seconds. That’s what’s on the menu when you look at your child and consider sitting them down to tell them that their parents are about to get a divorce. How do you explain it? How do you tell them ...


Spousal Support Paperwork: It’s That Important

July 5, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

There’s not a lot more intimidating than having your lawyer hand you a giant stack of papers that are chock full of jargon, formulas, and little grids to fill out — and then hearing him say “bring this back as soon as you possibly can…it’s important.” How important are we talking? When it’s the documentation of your financial status used ...


How a Financial Professional can Ensure a Good Divorce Settlement

June 27, 2015
Posted in: Divorce

A divorce has a lot of costs — many financial, many emotional, some that go beyond either one. While the emotional and other costs can affect your life for years, the financial costs can ruin it, both for you and for any children you’re caring for. A skilled financial professional can help you understand the legal situation, help you translate ...