Divorce, Parenting, and Mental Illness
It’s easy to think that a parent who is legitimately mentally ill shouldn’t be living alone with their children — but every parent is important to their children, even if they have their issues. In many cases, a mentally ill parent who takes the appropriate medication and regularly attends counseling for their illness can be a very effective parent. However, ...
CONTINUE READINGActive Fatherhood Deemed More Important Than Biological Contribution In Michigan
In a precedent-setting decision, a man from Macomb Township was ruled the father of a boy that he had raised since birth, even after it was discovered that the child was not biologically his offspring. A Macomb County judge ruled that the 40-year-old man would continue to have joint custody of the 5-year-old boy whom he had raised with his ...
CONTINUE READINGInternational Custody Disputes Are Time-Sensitive
The Supreme Court ruled recently on the case of an international custody dispute, and ruled that the law in this case doesn’t have the flexibility to take exigent circumstances into account. According to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, a treaty signed by many first-world countries, says that if a motion to return an abducted ...
CONTINUE READINGDivorce Magazine Issues
Below are some magazines that we have been a part of. They provide some additional information about our law firm as well as some very good information on Divorce issues. Summer / Fall 2013 Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer Misconceptions About What Really Happens in Court Preparing for Divorce Property Issues in Divorce Are You In or Are You ...
CONTINUE READINGDivorce: Simon Cowell Style
In October Renee was invited to be an expert guest on the show Due Process. The subject was Simon Cowell's recent divorce and issues surrounding it.