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Child Support

The Michigan Legislature has determined that every child has a right to be supported by both of their parents. Child Support is determined by the Michigan Child Support Guidelines.

With the help of a child support attorney, child support can be changed after the divorce is final if there has been a change in circumstances since the time that the last order was entered.  It is, however, always in your best interests to begin with the best possible arrangements for you and your child — the child support laws in Michigan are designed to support the child’s well-being first and foremost, so starting from that point is a good way to not waste everyone’s time.

The court determines child support according to the Michigan Child Support Guidelines.  The Guidelines take into consideration both parent’s incomes, health care insurance premiums, child care expenses, tax deductions and the number of overnights the child spends with each parent.  The Courts can consider other things in determining a parents’ income such as regular gifts which reduce the parent’s monthly expenses.  The Courts may also decide to impute income to a parent if it determines that the parent has an unexercised ability to earn income, or if the Court determines that a parent voluntarily reduced his or her income.  The court will not consider factors such as either party’s debts or the income of either party’s new spouse.  In some circumstances, the Court can deviate from the guidelines if one parent can present substantial and compelling reasons for them to do so.  If there is a deviation in child support, the argument must carefully be presented by your child support lawyer and properly documented in the Court’s order.

For more information on child support laws in Michigan, click here. To contact one of our child support attorneys that serve the metro Detroit and Oakland County area to help with your case, contact us.

Learn more about Michigan paternity laws.