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How to Avoid Problems During Child Visitation Exchanges in Michigan

If you share custody of your children, you must go through exchanges every time your child goes to be with their other parent. These exchanges can be difficult depending on the circumstances, making the situation harder for you and your children.

With a little effort by both parties, visitation exchanges can be a little less awkward and tense. It’s worth trying to make exchanges more pleasant, as you’ll likely be doing it for some time.

Tips to Make Exchanges Easier

If you’ve been through a divorce and child custody battle, you know how mentally and emotionally taxing it can be. Finalizing a custody arrangement can be tough, and the drama may continue every time you take your child to their other parent.

The goal is to exchange the children amiably. The following tips can help avoid potential issues and make exchanges less challenging.

Choose the Exchange Location Wisely

Neutral locations are usually best when dealing with visitation exchanges. Many co-parents find it easier to meet at public places, such as parks, malls, or schools, rather than going to one of the parent’s homes. This is especially helpful when the situation between you and your child’s other parent is contentious.

Involve a Third Party

If you worry your ex might cause problems during the custody exchange, take a third party with you. Someone trusted, such as a mutual friend or family member, can be a witness in case things get ugly.

When another party is present during exchanges, the difficult co-parent is less likely to cause trouble. The extra party can observe the exchange while reducing friction between you and your co-parent.

Prepare for the Exchange

Visitation exchanges can be hectic, which could cause you to forget important details and things for the children. Be prepared for your exchange, and make sure your children have everything they need while at their other parent’s home, including medications, clothes, and school items.

Thorough preparation cannot only help make exchanges less troublesome but also ensure that your children don’t go without their necessities.

Be Polite and Stay Focused

Exchanges can be particularly rough when either parent is impolite. No matter what occurs during your exchange, be kind for the few moments you’re with your co-parent. Additionally, stay focused on the task and try not to discuss unrelated topics that could lead to more issues.

Don’t Make Negative Comments in Front of the Kids

It can be easy to forget the children are present when dealing with your co-parent, which could result in verbal altercations. What you say during exchanges can significantly impact your children, so it’s best to measure your words in front of them.

Adhere to the Terms of the Custody Agreement

Always remember your custody agreement. Even if you don’t entirely agree with your arrangement, it’s critical to remember that deviating from the terms can result in unnecessary legal trouble.

Getting Help From a Child Custody Attorney

If you find your visitation exchanges especially upsetting, you may need legal help from an experienced lawyer. The child custody attorneys at The Gucciardo Law Firm are ready to assist you with your custody and visitation needs. Contact our firm today.

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