How to Speed Up a Divorce That is Dragging On | Divorce gtag('config', 'AW-945928078/0s88CMHj_mMQju-GwwM', { 'phone_conversion_number': '248-723-5190' });
How To Speed Up A Divorce That Is Dragging On

How to Speed Up a Divorce That is Dragging On

When a couple has finally decided it’s time to throw in the towel and get a divorce, they naturally want to work out the details so they can both get on with their lives.  Unfortunately, with emotions running high and a number of challenges inherent to splitting joint property, the divorce process can become protracted if the proceedings are less than amicable.

In the state of Michigan, an uncontested divorce can be finalized in as little as 60 days from the date you file, although couples with children will have to wait a minimum of six months.  What if your divorce is neither amicable nor uncontested, though?  It could drag on for months or even years if parties can’t agree on issues like division of assets or a child custody arrangement.

How can you speed the process?  There are a few things you can do to move things along if you’re sick of arguing over every detail.

Is Expedited Divorce an Option?

Let’s just clear this up first.  Michigan does not offer expedited divorce, unlike some other states, so plan for a minimum of two months if you have no children in the marriage, and a minimum of six months if there are children involved.

Proof of Marital Assets

A lot of time can be wasted uncovering assets (and debts) that qualify as joint marital property.  In order to complete the division of assets, you and your spouse must present information related to bank accounts, investment accounts, real estate, automobiles, jewelry, and anything else of value, along with outstanding debts.  In some cases, certain assets or debts may belong solely to one party, while others are considered joint.

If your spouse is evasive about providing needed information, lawyers or the court may have to intervene and try to collect this information on your behalf, throwing a wrench in the works.  The more information you can provide up front, the less time the courts have to waste trying to uncover it during proceedings.

Skipping the Courtroom Drama

Don’t assume that you have to go to court to finalize your divorce.  Even contentious proceedings could be solved more quickly by simply hiring lawyers and attending mediation.  If you and your spouse try to talk things out but only end up arguing, let a legal representative do the talking for you, taking emotions out of the equation.  This could help to expedite negotiations and end the divorce more quickly, without the need for a day in court.

Make Concessions

Let’s be honest – for whatever reason, your spouse may be willing to fight tooth and nail over every last piece of property, dollar of spousal and child support, and minute of parenting time with children.  For some people, the hurt and anger associated with divorce pushes them to act in vindictive ways.

If you want to speed the process, you may have to be prepared to make concessions and ultimately, walk away from the table.  If you don’t contest the demands of your spouse, you can wrap up divorce proceedings a lot more quickly.  You just have to decide whether a fair or a fast outcome is your priority.

If you need help speeding up protracted divorce proceedings, contact the qualified attorneys at The Gucciardo Law Firm today at 248-723-5190 or online to schedule a free, 30-min initial consultation.

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