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Is Mediation the Right Solution for Your Michigan Divorce?

Even though divorce is a fairly common occurrence these days, it’s still something of a 4-letter word, which is to say, it carries a negative stigma. In truth, divorce can be a necessary evil. It isn’t fun, but it’s a way for a couple that simply can’t live together anymore to separate their lives, physically and legally, so that they can both move on to better things.

Of course, the best way to do this is amicably, if at all possible. Divorce is often a difficult process on many levels, and it’s only intensified by the heightened emotions associated with bringing a romantic partnership to an end. For this reason, you might want to consider mediation instead of traditional courtroom litigation. Is mediation the right solution for your Michigan divorce? Here are a few reasons to consider this path.

What is Mediation?
In a traditional divorce, you and your spouse will enter a courtroom, often with lawyers, and a trial will be held to determine the particulars of your divorce settlement. This can be an impersonal and often stressful and frustrating process for both parties. If you didn’t hate each other going in, you could by the end.

Mediation is an alternative by which spouses meet with a mediator to discuss the terms of the divorce, including division of assets and debts, and perhaps other matters like child custody, child support, and spousal support. Attorneys may or may not be involved, although it’s always wise to have legal representation to see that your best interests are upheld. You may meet with a mediator several times to hammer out the terms of a divorce settlement.

Benefits of Mediation
There are several reasons why couples might choose mediation over traditional divorce proceedings. First and foremost, it is a cooperative process that allows couples to come to their own terms pertaining to division of assets and debts, child custody arrangements, and so on. Would you rather have a judge decide your future, or work with an impartial third party to come to an agreement on your own?

A professional mediator helps to facilitate the process so that parties can come to an agreement that works for them both, and do so in an amicable manner. This helps to preserve existing relationships, which is especially important for couples that will have future contact due to sharing children, just for example. Often, mediation can help couples to save money over the cost of litigation, so each walks away with a bigger piece of the pie.

Potential Drawbacks
Mediation only really works if both parties are invested in the process. If one or both parties is unwilling to compromise, mediation is a pointless waste of time. Mediation also doesn’t work if one or both parties behave in an abusive manner, or if they’re trying to strongarm the other into simply giving up and ceding everything.

Your attorney from The Gucciardo Law Firm can help you decide if mediation is right for you and stand with you every step of the way, ensuring you have the knowledge and guidance you need to make informed decisions that are in your best interest. Contact us today at 248-723-5190 to get started.

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