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What You Need to Know About Adopting Your Stepchild in Michigan

March 9, 2018
Posted in: Adoption, Divorce

Blended families are becoming more and more common with the rise in divorce rates over the last few decades, and there are times when it makes sense for a stepparent to consider adopting a stepchild, for legal, practical, and emotional reasons. However, this can be difficult to accomplish, especially if a noncustodial parent still has legal rights and refuses to ...


What to Do After Being Served With Divorce Papers in Michigan

March 5, 2018
Posted in: Divorce

Being served with divorce papers can turn your world upside down, even if you’ve been separated from your spouse and a divorce is not entirely unexpected. The heightened emotions of this stressful situation can cause you to act in ways that only serve to further complicate the proceedings and that are not in your best interest in the long run. ...


What Can Fathers Do to Make Divorce Easier on Their Kids?

March 2, 2018
Posted in: Divorce

Divorce is a difficult and heartbreaking process for everyone involved. The loss of a loving relationship can be extremely difficult for adults, but parents cannot get so caught up in their own feelings that they trample on the feelings of their children. As a father, you’d give anything to keep your kids safe, healthy, and happy. During a divorce, this ...


How to Navigate the Ups and Downs of a Michigan Divorce

February 26, 2018
Posted in: Divorce

In any divorce proceeding, there are going to be ups and downs as separating parties try to deal with the emotional and logistical concerns of legal separation. It may help to have some idea of what the process will entail before you begin, and a qualified attorney can help you to understand and navigate the process. Here’s what you can ...


How to Make Joint Custody in Michigan Work

February 23, 2018
Posted in: Child Custody, Divorce

All parents want the best for their children, but during a divorce and subsequent custody proceedings, tension can run high and emotions can get the best of people, causing them to act in ways they wouldn’t normally. However, responsible adults need to take a step back and think about the impact they’re having on their kids when they engage in ...


A “Mistake of Fact” Explained: Revocation of Paternity

February 19, 2018
Posted in: Michigan Law

When a child is born, or any time after birth, parents can choose to sign an Affidavit of Parentage (AOP) that legally establishes the father of the child and allows for information about the father to be added to the birth certificate. This is common in cases where parents aren’t married (as a husband would immediately be assumed to be ...


The 12 Best Interest Factors in Michigan Child Custody Law

February 16, 2018

When Michigan courts determine child custody, they take several factors into consideration, all with the intent of serving the child’s best interest. As a parent, you need to understand these factors and how they could affect your bid for child custody. Here are the 12 best interest factors you should know about. The love, affection, and other emotional ties existing ...


Why Do Divorce Filings Spike in January?

February 12, 2018
Posted in: Divorce

You might assume that divorce filings are fairly uniform throughout the calendar year. After all, it’s not like the average person looks at their day planner to determine the best time to file for divorce. However, it turns out that certain times of year tend to show spikes in divorce filings. A report released by researchers at the University of ...


Plan Ahead to Avoid a Spring Break Full of Bickering With Your Ex over the Kids

February 9, 2018
Posted in: Divorce

One of the most difficult parts of divorce is creating and managing an amicable child custody arrangement. Even if parents receive joint custody, ensuring relatively equal parenting time with kids, there can be some disagreement about who should have time with kids over holidays and school breaks. Ideally, you’ll come to some sort of agreement when the custody arrangement is ...


Interference With Child Custody in Michigan

February 5, 2018
Posted in: Child Custody

One of the hardest parts of divorcing for any couple sharing children is determining child custody. In most cases, both parents are keen to spend as much time with their children as possible, and in a contentious situation involving joint custody, both parties might feel like they’re not getting the amount of parenting time they deserve. Whether a parent feels ...