Should You Be Concerned If Your Spouse Wants a Post-Nuptial Agreement?
Most people have heard of pre-nuptial agreements, whereby couples make legal arrangements regarding their respective estates prior to marriage, just in case the marriage ultimately ends in divorce. These types of arrangements are often designed to protect property or an inheritance that one party wishes to walk away with intact instead of splitting as part of marital assets. You may ...
CONTINUE READINGIs Mediation the Right Solution for Your Michigan Divorce?
Even though divorce is a fairly common occurrence these days, it’s still something of a 4-letter word, which is to say, it carries a negative stigma. In truth, divorce can be a necessary evil. It isn’t fun, but it’s a way for a couple that simply can’t live together anymore to separate their lives, physically and legally, so that they ...
CONTINUE READINGConsidering a Separation Agreement in Michigan: What You Need to Know
Most people go into marriage understanding that it’s going to be work, but it’s a trade-off they’re willing to make for the love, companionship, and security inherent to this personal union. Unfortunately, not all marriages can stand the test of time, and partners may face irreconcilable differences that make it impossible for them to continue the marriage. What it you’re ...
CONTINUE READINGAlimony Guidelines in Michigan
When you have been married for a while, you naturally become used to living a certain lifestyle. Whether you’re the breadwinner, a stay-at-home parent, or half a two-income household, it can be difficult to let that lifestyle go, especially when suffering the emotional stresses of a divorce. It is for this reason that alimony exists. In a roughly equal relationship ...
CONTINUE READINGWill Your Prenuptial Agreement Stand Up in a Michigan Court?
According to the American Psychological Association, roughly 40-50% of all marriages in the U.S. now end in divorce. This is a disheartening statistic, especially when you realize that divorce rates are even higher for subsequent marriages. This is perhaps why prenuptial agreements have become so common. Once the province of wealthy families seeking to dissuade gold-diggers from horning in on ...
CONTINUE READINGThe Basics of Postnuptial Agreements in Michigan
The concept of the prenuptial agreement is nothing new. In fact, scholars have found evidence of prenuptial agreements dating back as far as ancient Egypt, which means such agreements have been in the works for thousands of years. Whether parents were looking to protect their daughters from destitution in the event of the death of a husband, or wealthy elites ...
CONTINUE READINGNegotiating for Parenting Time in Michigan: Important Factors to Consider
When parents separate or divorce, the situation is not only hard on the couple, but also on any children they share. As a parent, you naturally want to continue to have a relationship with your children, even if your marriage or partnership is dissolved, but it’s not always easy to make this happen. With the help of a qualified lawyer, ...
CONTINUE READINGHow to Obtain a Personal Protection Order in Michigan
It’s never okay for another person to harass you, threaten you, or harm you, and in the state of Michigan, such actions can sometimes be stopped through the use of a Personal Protection Order, or PPO. What is a PPO, exactly, and how do you go about securing one? Here’s what you need to know. What is a PPO? A ...
CONTINUE READINGWho Gets Custody of Frozen Embryos in a Michigan Divorce?
Advances in technology have significantly changed the way some couples approach the prospect of parenthood. Everyone knows that as we age, we become less fertile and contend with higher risk factors. However, this may be a moot point now that couples can freeze fertilized embryos for later implantation, preserving the chances for healthy conception at the peak of fertility, even ...
CONTINUE READINGHow to Manage Your Emotions During a Child Custody Case
Nobody ever said marriage was easy, and raising children can be even more difficult. While children bring joy and wonder to our lives, parenting is undertaking fraught with uncertainty and fear. The responsibility of keeping kids safe and raising them to be capable and confident adults is a heavy burden. It becomes even more difficult when you’re going through a ...