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Category Archive for: ‘Divorce’

How Will My Spouse’s Gambling Debts Affect the Divorce?

September 15, 2023
Posted in: Divorce

Gambling is often a leading reason why a couple chooses to end their marriage. Even when it isn’t the driving factor of the divorce, it isn’t fair for one spouse to be stuck paying off […]


Lump-Sum Support vs. Regular Alimony Payments: Determining What’s Right for You

September 12, 2023
Posted in: Alimony, Divorce

If you’re going through a divorce, you might have to choose between regular alimony payments or a lump-sum amount. Your choice can have a long-term impact on your finances, so it’s important to know the […]


The Repercussions of Lying About Paternity

September 8, 2023
Posted in: Divorce

Paternity fraud is more common than you might think. Men often take a woman’s word at face value when it comes to the identity of a child’s father. If you’ve recently discovered that a current […]


What Is Dissipation of Assets in a Divorce?

July 31, 2023
Posted in: Alimony

In the event of a divorce, the involved parties need to comb through their assets to find out how to become whole. If anything is owed to either individual, it must be determined during the […]


Everything You Need to Know About Name Changes After a Divorce

July 27, 2023
Posted in: Divorce

Dealing with a divorce can be difficult for all parties. On the bright side, changing your name afterward is fairly straightforward. This article will outline how you can easily change your name. Additionally, it will […]


Do I Need to Hire a Forensic Accountant for My Divorce in Michigan?

July 20, 2023
Posted in: Divorce, Michigan Law

If you are going through a divorce in Michigan, you might need to complete a deep dive into your finances. And when presenting records of your finances to the court, you need to make sure […]


A Guide to Post-Judgement Modifications in Michigan

July 13, 2023
Posted in: Michigan Law

Going through a divorce or dealing with certain aspects of family law requires individuals to settle various issues. After the parties involved reach an agreement, whatever terms they agreed upon must be approved by the […]


How to Modify Your Parenting Plan

July 6, 2023
Posted in: Child Support, Tips

Parenting plans can change for a variety of reasons. When this happens, it can be a stressful situation for all parties involved, including the children. For this reason, it is best to reach an amicable […]


5 Reasons Why You May Need a Postnuptial Agreement

July 4, 2023

The last thing any married couple wants to think about is what will happen if they get divorced. Unfortunately, having difficult conversations early on can make things much easier if the unexpected happens. This is […]


4 Reasons to Avoid Making Big Purchases During a Divorce

June 27, 2023
Posted in: Divorce

When you’re going through a divorce, you’ve probably heard all about the “dos & don’ts”  necessary to ensure you have the best possible outcome from mediation or a trial. One of the most important don’ts […]