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What Factors Determine Whether Ill Have To Pay Spousal Support In Michigan

What Factors Determine Whether I’ll Have to Pay Spousal Support in Michigan?

When you are considering filing for divorce in Michigan, you may wonder what the financial implications will be. Most divorcing couples face many economic challenges.

Michigan state law allows spouses to request alimony, also known as “spousal support.” For this request to be fulfilled, the requesting spouse must show that they have financial needs that the other spouse can accommodate.

The request for alimony can be made during or after the divorce process. The purpose of spousal support payments is to guarantee that each party can meet their financial needs moving forward.

The amount, regularity, and extent of these payments will depend on the circumstances of each individual case.

Common Types of Spousal Support in Michigan 

Under Michigan state law, there are four primary types of alimony. These include:

Periodic Support

Periodic spousal support is paid in equal amounts over a definite length of time. 

Temporary Support

Temporary alimony, also known as “status quo” payments, is only paid while the divorce process is ongoing. These payments terminate when the divorce is finalized.

Permanent Support

This type of spousal support payment continues indefinitely.

Alimony in Gross

This type is also known as “lump-sum” alimony. These support payments are provided in a single sum all at once.

There is no definitive method for determining spousal support in a divorce. If you or your spouse qualify for alimony, the courts will determine the type of support that is most appropriate.

If there is a significant discrepancy in the spouses’ income, the court may award status quo payments and a temporary spousal support order. Usually, status quo payments will terminate when the divorce is finalized.

The most common type of spousal support in Michigan is periodic support. The judge will make a decision regarding the length of time that the support must be paid.

Factors that Determine Spousal Support 

There is a formula for determining child support payments during the divorce process in Michigan. There is no such standard for alimony.

Michigan family courts will determine whether divorcing parties need to pay spousal support. Judges make these decisions on a case-by-case basis. To do so, they consider many different factors.

These include:

  • The length of the marriage
  • Spouses’ past conduct
  • The spouses’ ability to work
  • The financial security of each spouse
  • Each spouse’s health and age
  • Each spouse’s contribution to the marital assets
  • The role of cohabitation in the couple’s financial situation

The primary factors in determining alimony in a divorce are each party’s income and wealth. The goal of the court is to ensure that each spouse can maintain a reasonable standard of living throughout the divorce.

There is no single method or formula that judges use to determine appropriate spousal support. Under Michigan state law, the courts have broad discretion in ordering divorcing spouses to pay alimony.

Contact a Michigan Family Lawyer 

If you have questions regarding spousal support in your divorce, contact an accomplished family law attorney. The skilled team at Gucciardo Family Law is ready to work hard in your best interests.

We know how overwhelming the process of divorce can be. It is our mission to help Michigan families during their most trying times. Contact Gucciardo Family Law today to schedule your free consultation.

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